Mists of Noyah Wiki

Mists of Noyah currently has twelve visible character statistics. Characters develop by equipping Equipment, selecting perks, and finding temporary buffs.

List of Statistics[]

Icon hp2 Health Points
Icon mana2 Mana Points
Icon attackDamage2 Physical Attack
Icon spellpower2 Spell Power
Icon armor2 Physical Defense
Icon magicArmor2 Magical Defense
Icon attackSpeed2 Attack Speed
Icon moveSpeed2 Movement Speed
Retaliation 2 Retaliation
Icon fishingPower2 Fishing Power
Icon gatheringPower2 Gathering Power
Icon cdr2 Cooldown Rate
Spirit 2 Spirit
Icon critical2 Critical Hit
Drain 2 Drain

Categories of Statistics[]

Offense Defense Utility
Icon mana2 Mana Points
Icon attackDamage2 Physical Attack
Icon spellpower2 Spell Power
Retaliation 2 Retaliation

Icon critical2 Critical Hit

Icon hp2 Health Points

Icon armor2 Physical Defense
Icon magicArmor2 Magical Defense
Drain 2 Drain

Icon moveSpeed2 Movement Speed

Icon fishingPower2 Fishing Power
Icon gatheringPower2 Gathering Power
Spirit 2 Spirit

Character Levels[]

As players gain experience by mining ores, fishing, cutting trees and plants, and killing enemies. Upon leveling up players will get:

  • An instant refill on Health and mana
  • 1 Perk Point
  • 1 Talent Point (see Characters for skill information)


Perks are Mist of Noyah's method for players permenantly increasing statistics. The perk window will provide 6 random stats of various levels of power for the player to choose from. All perks cost a single perk point, so it's important that the player selects the highest quality perk of the desired stat. Perks can be reset using a potion. Below are the list of perks and there bonuses.

Quality Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Icon hp2 Health Points 10 12 14 16 18
Icon mana2 Mana Points 10 12 14 16 18
Icon attackDamage2 Physical Attack 2 3 4 5 6
Icon spellpower2 Spell Power 2 3 4 5 6
Icon armor2 Physical Defense 2 3 4 5 6
Icon magicArmor2 Magical Defense 2 3 4 5 6