Mists of Noyah Wiki

Resources are distributed throughout the world of Mists of Noyah. They are elements of nature that are useful to your character, for high progress in the game and for the survival of your character in general. The pickaxe tool or your hands can be used to gather from various different resources nodes. Icons will appear over the players character when you are able to begin gathering (chopping nodeIcon Gathering3, flora nodeIcon Gathering6, and mining nodeIcon Gathering2).

Resource Nodes[]

Trees and Rocks[]

The gathering speed from these resource nodes will depend on your Gathering Power. It is not advised to gather while enemies are present unless you can destroy node in a few hits. Resources will burst from the destroyed node and the node will respawn after some time. Tree resources are used to make Consumables, upgrade the fort, and are important fuel for the forge. Rock nodes provide minerals used to create Equipment.

Name Resource Sprite HP Location Resources


Forest Tree
350 Forest WoodWood


Ice Tree
350 IceIce
Desert Tree
480 Desert WoodWood

BerryFood Berry

Jungle Tree
350 Jungle WoodWood

WatermelonFood Watermelon

Oasis Tree
480 Beach WoodWood

CoconutFood Coconut

Palm OilPalmOil

Iron Rock
280 Forest


Snow Biome


StoneMineral Ore Stones

Coal Coal

Iron OreIron ore

Amethyst Amethyst

Topaz Topaz

Gold Rock
350 Forest


Snow Biome


StoneMineral Ore Stones

Gold OreGold ore-export

Amethyst Amethyst

Emerald Emerald

Ruby Ruby

Sapphire Sapphire

Topaz Topaz

Hoparite Rock
700 Beehive

Mushroom Biome

StoneMineral Ore Stones

Hoparite OreMineral Ore Hoparite

Amethyst Amethyst

Emerald Emerald

Ruby Ruby

Sapphire Sapphire

Topaz Topaz

Cryo Rock
900 Ice Biome StoneMineral Ore Stones

Cryo OreMineral Ore Cryo

Amethyst Amethyst

Emerald Emerald

Ruby Ruby

Sapphire Sapphire

Topaz Topaz

Marine Rock
1400 Ocean StoneMineral Ore Stones

Marine OreMineral Ore Marine

Amethyst Amethyst

Emerald Emerald

Ruby Ruby

Sapphire Sapphire

Topaz Topaz

Obsidian Rock
2000 Hell StoneMineral Ore Stones

Obsidian OreMineral Ore Obsidian

Amethyst Amethyst

Emerald Emerald

Ruby Ruby

Sapphire Sapphire

Topaz Topaz


These resource nodes require a single button input and will be destroyed regardless of gathering power. As such, they tend to drop between 1 ~ 3 units of resources. Plants provide resources to craft Consumables.

Name Resource Sprite Location Resources


Herb sunflower
Forest Day FlowerDay flower-export
Forest Cave SporesSpores
Snow Herb
Herb snow
Snow Biome

Ice Biome

Cactus Plant
Herb cactus
Desert Cactus Cactus
Moon Herb
Herb moon
Jungle at night Moon FlowerMoon flower-export
Herb mushroom
Mushroom Biome MushroomMushroom-export
Beeflower Herb
Herb bee
Beehive Biome Bee FlowerBee flower-export
Ocean Herb
Herb ocean
Ocean Biome Sea OrbSea orb
Hell Herb
Herb hell
Hell Biome Flame PlantFlame plant

Terrain Resources[]

These are resources that can be gathered with the Bucket, or obtained by killing enemies. The bucket will always gather 10 units of a resource and is more efficient than farming enemies. Terrain resources are used as reagents for a variety of items.

Name Resource


Location Enemy


Clay Terrain Clay Forest Biome


Small WormWorm small

Medium WormWorm medium

Worm cocoonWorm cocoon (not implemented)

Sand Sand Desert Desert WormWorm Medium Desert

Desert Worm CocoonWorm cocoon(not implemented)

Snow Snow Snow Biome Snow WormMedium Snow Worm
Water Terrain Water All but Hell biomes Ocean WormWorm Medium Ocean (not implemented)
Lava Terrain Lava Hell Biome Hell WormWorm Medium Hell

NOTE* Water can be made at the cooking station using snow or ice.