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This page will serve as a basic how to play guide for Mists of Noyah. While there is very little information available at this time, we urge you to check back often, as new information is being added all the time! Feel free to edit this guide with any tips, tricks, and suggestions.

Starting a New Game[]

When you first start the game you'll be presented with the option to create a new world. Click on the new world button and give your world a name. After it loads, you will presented with the character selection screen.

Choosing your Character[]

There are currently 5 characters in the game to pick from, each with their own abilities and play styles, and each one deals with the challenges you will face in a slightly different way.



Vylat uses a sword and blood magic to deal with enemies. He is a sword mage capable of dealing damaging melee debuffs and ranged spells. Many of his attacks return life to him or provide a healing buffer making him a very safe attacker at any range. He is very fragile and mana intensive if building his more powerful skills. He is a good all around character. Recommended for beginner and intermediate players.

Vylat character


Ninn is a magic user that uses water as her primary form of attack. She has relatively low damage and health compared to the other characters, but makes up for with a vast array of abilities to strengthen and support herself and her allies. While Ninn herself is more fragile than other characters, she has the ability to heal and summon familiars to her defense. She is capable of attacking from a modest range. Recommnded for beginner and intermediate players.

Ninn character


Allure uses fire to destroy his opponents. He is primarily about dealing a lot of damage to his opponents, however this comes at the cost that he has very little support or sustain abilities. He is primarily melee focused, but has no ability to heal himself outside of items. He is a high risk/high reward character and requires the most mechanical skill to play well. Recommended for advanced players.

Allure character


Lance is an arcane ranger that primarily uses a bow to strike down his enemies. Lance is unique in the fact that his primary fire has three levels of charge to it. The longer you hold the attack button down, the stronger his charge will be until it caps out, releasing a very powerful strike. Like Allure, he is primarily damage focused and has no ability to heal himself, though the fact that he can keep enemies at range makes him slightly easier to handle than Allure. His magical enhancements primarily focus on arcane damage and the ability to confuse the enemy. Recommended for intermediate players.

Lance character2


Rhys is by far the tankiest character and least versitile. He also has two ways of healing himself and his allies, as well as giving him a temporary HP boost. He is, however the slowest character in the game as far as movement and attack speed and also very few attack skills. He is a melee-focused, healer. Recommended for beginner players.

Rhys character

First Steps[]

When you first load into the game with a new character, you will be placed in a tutorial area. Completing this area will give you access to the rest of the game. Advance to the right of screen and practice controlling your character. Your screen shows you information on you character, time and day (see The World for more information), skills (see Characters for more information), and item shortcuts.


Player Status Information[]

At the top left of the screen you will see your character, health, mana, and other information.

Head plate

Inventory and status window[]

If you press TAB/or the corresponding gamepad button to see your inventory and status window.

  • You can sort your items quickly by pressing the sort button.
  • You can use items directly from your inventory as well as equipment them. You can drop them as well to share with other players or remove them to make space.
  • By pressing the shortcut button, you can add up to 4 items to your item shortcuts to quickly use them in the overworld.

Equipment and Statistics window[]


Inside this window you will see your inventory on the right and your stats on the left next to your equipment and character portrait. The 5 slots below your character portrait indicate what weapon, armor, helmet, and Tools and Fishing Rods you are currently wearing. Below that are your Accessories. A player can equip any combination of 8 unique accessories they find or craft in the game to customize their character and better fit their own play style, you can equip your equipment by right clicking the mouse and the assigned gamepad button.

The Statistics of your character are indicated by an icon. Most of these are self explanatory in what they do and how they function. However, here are a few tips:

  • Physical and magic armor amounts are currently very low and are easier to gain from affixes and accessories.
  • Health and mana are easy to gain. Current damage and mana consumption formulas make focusing on either stat not a great option. Spirit provides an unnoticeable boost in health regen.
  • Attack speed doesn't work for Ninn or Lance's attacks.
  • Magic Attack is great to invest in due to most skills dealing higher damage than basic attacks.
  • The fishing stat is currently bugged.

Getting items[]


To create new items and to help defend your fort and crystal, you will need to harvest materials. All of the characters have the innate ability to harvest trees, mineral deposits, and plants without any special equipment. However, there is equipment in the game that you can make that will increase your harvesting power to make these tasks easier. To harvest materials from the world, stand next to them until you see the harvesting icon appear, then press E repeatedly to harvest the resource. The amount of hits it takes to harvest a resource depends on your harvesting power and what kind of resource it is.



Fishing can only be done at specific spots on the map. A fishing pole is not required to be in your inventory to fish at these spots. The fishing pole equipment and the Scroll of Fishing provides bonus fishing skill (however, the stat is currently bugged). To fish, you want to find a place that looks like a small dock over a body of water, you mainly find these in underground caverns, but there is also one in the sea biome. If you stand on this dock you will see a fishing icon appear. Press E to cast your line and wait, when the character starts to pull on the line, press E again to reel in your catch.



To start out, you should craft a full set of wooden equipment. Ring, Armor, Shield, Amulet, everything. You will find that your adventure will become much easier and more rewarding as you craft and find new and more powerful equipment.

You will need to go through the fort to find all the crafting stations, there are multiple crafting stations where you can make different things.

Once you have selected something to craft, you will see it's progress bar below. When it is done, simply right click the item to move it to your inventory. Once you have enough materials to craft an item, it works the same way as smelting. Select the item to craft, wait for it to finish and then collect the item. You do not have to stay at the crafting station while things smelt or craft. You can command it to smelt or craft as much as you want (Provided you have materials) and it will continue to make them while you are off doing other things. Just don't forget to collect your finished goods before you save and quit, because anything left in the smelter or the crafting table will be lost if you do not collect it before you save and exit!

I repeat! Anything left in the crafting tables will be lost if you do not collect it before you save and exit!

Visit the The Fortress page for information on how to use the crafting stations.

Treasure Chests[]

You will find chests scattered around each biome you explore, and most will contain loot related to that biome. Chests are a good source of crafting materials. There are also special pieces of equipment that can only be found in chests. To open a chest, just walk up and press the action button.


Temporary Bonuses[]

These can be found randomly as you explore and provide temporarily buff yourself in different ways, such as extra damage or magic resistance. They are lost upon death.

Black Portals to the Corrupted Biome[]

See Corrupted Biome. The Corrupted Biome is used for endgame experience grinding and crafting materials for the highest tier of equipment.

7th Night Corrupted Raid[]

See The Fortress

Scroll of Portal[]

The Scroll of Portal opens a portal that will allow you to travel back to the fort to drop off equipment, heal and craft items, while keeping a portal open to where you were so you can return without having to walk all the way back. It's quite handy to use if you need to drop off or sell extra items or equipment to free up inventory space. The portal will stay open until you use another scroll or log out.

Health and Mana[]

Managing your health and mana are incredibly important. All of the characters have very slight mana regeneration, but you are going to want more! How do you do that? Potions and food!

Food and Drink[]

Food will often give you passive buffs to help you out through the game. The most common and important is the Well Fed bonus. Most basic food and drink items such as cooked meat and waterskins will provide you with this bonus, so they are good to have with you. A good adventurer does not adventure on an empty stomach! Make sure you are well fed when you go adventuring to keep your health and mana pools topped off. Meat and water are easy to find and cane make very simple healing items.


Potions are quick fixes in case of emergencies. They are harder to craft and obtain than food but they are often more potent. If you can't get a hold of potions right away, don't panic, they are luxury items you will make use of as the game progresses. Use food to keep yourself going in the meantime.


Food will give you slight health regeneration but it won't keep you alive in heavy combat. For this you are going to want to use potions or spells. Many of the characters have ways of healing themselves. As you play and learn your character you will discover the best way to keep yourself healthy and alive, as some methods are better than others depending on who you are playing as. Just remember, don't ignore food! Even if the health bonuses are not the best, you will need the mana being well fed generates to cast those healing spells!

Playing the Game[]

Now that you know all about movement, survival, crafting and general staying alive, it's time to explore. There are many places to explore, each with their own treasures and dangers. Just remember, if you die you will respawn at the crystal in your fort.


If you die, don't panic. It happens a lot. You do not drop anything when you die, but you do lose 15% of the your gained experience and some money.


There are many biomes to explore in the world as well as the caves below each of them. You may run across dangerous and nasty critters. If you find one that is particularly difficult to deal with, try exploring somewhere else until you can get better equipment to face the challenges that lie deep below the surface. It's typically safer to explore during the day since enemies are weaker.

Wall Jump[]

You can cling to walls and jump off of them to climb to higher areas, or to slow your decent if you are worried about dropping blindly into areas that you can't see. You can combine the wall jump with double jumping and dashing in order to traverse the world a bit easier.

Wall jump

Harvest as you go[]

It's usually worth it to grab some wood or plants as you traverse the world. They are easy experience and are useful in making potions or crafting coal. This will eliminate having to farm specific items later if you are constantly gathering. Prioritize gathering wood, sand, clay, ores, and all plants you see.

Things to keep in your inventory[]

Always have cooked food (even if it's just cooked meat, but egg meals are easy to come by), a drink (waterskins are easy, but wine is the best if you can get a steady flow of gold), warp scrolls (purchasable from Froggo), and Potions (mana, buffs, flasks, and a healing if possible). Waterskins are cheap and effective mana recovery, but mana potions offer more recovery faster. The best cooked food will heal more health faster, but not as fast as a strong heal potion. Add 4 of your most used consumables in the item shortcut. Protip: Hotkey the warp scroll. If you are about to die or in the process of dying, use the scroll. It will be a faster way to get back to where you were.


Dungeons are middle and endgame content that can provide high tier gear and reforge stones. They aren't balanced for solo play. Solo players can complete most of the mythic lvl 35 content at level 40 if playing well. Completing mythic level dungeons solo or otherwise requires endgame gear and mastery of killing the boss. It is recommended to enter dungeon after visiting all the biomes in the game.

At the Base[]

Try to buy storage expansion tabs when you can. They will be useful for hording items. Remember, ABF (Always, Be, Farming). Buy seeds from the farmer, plant them, harvest them, replant, refine your product, and keep or sell the rest. Grapes and Wheat are useful for high tier consumables. It's a steady stream of money and is very sustainable. Also, unused gear should be disenchanted for enchantment crystals at the Alchemist house. Lastly, on the 7th day of ever week, you are attacked by Corruption beasts. They will always be stronger than you. It's a great time to farm experience if you can survive. You can skip this event by not returning to base, staying into a house, or exiting the game. It's worth it to fight however.


A lot of the trouble players find themselves in is due to not being aware of their surroundings, enemy AI, and how to properly dodge. Dodging is your only defense in this game and the best option. You are invincible during the animation and are moving. You can dodge every few seconds and can dodge in the air. Dodging cancels attack animations. When in doubt, dodge. Most enemies can be dodged through. But it won't save you from poor positioning. Air combat is primarily for melee fighters and still not a good option for damage. Try to find openings in enemy movements to maximize damage output.

Crafting versus Looting[]

Looted items tend to be easier to acquire in mass, so if you are looking to gear up, it's preferred to kill enemies and option treasure. Armor cannot be looted until doing dungeons, so try to craft and equip the best you can. Mass crafting Wood armor to get Legendary quality or decent quality provides a huge boost in survivability at the start of the game. But mass crafting becomes impossible past tier 4 items.

Don't give up![]

Mist of Noyah is a grind game. Nothing comes quickly and you are always at a disadvantage in terms of power and numbers. What you do have on your side is time and the ability to learn. Take your time with this game and find the content you don't mind grinding. Most activities in this game are worth doing. Everything is worth doing in multiplayer. Find your fun and pace yourself. You will conquer Noyah in no time!

Progression Guide[]

Equipment plays a major role in Mists of Noyah, and you will need every advantage you can get. Even something as simple as a wooden shield or ring can make the difference between victory or defeat, so you should try to craft as much as possible based on the needs of your character.

Here is a visual guide to progression through Noyah's world. Equipment is the best means to get more powerful. Bolded items are easier to get. This guide is meant to provide players target goals to reach to make stable progress throughout the game. Currently, it's more effective to use resources to craft armor than weapons. Weapons and accessories can be fought relatively easily in this game. It's recommended that you craft heavy armor due to the high damage enemies deal. Note, currently, higher ranked fishing rods do not currently guarantee better fish but do provide higher mana.

Note: Dungeon gear is forthcoming. Successful dungeon completion does not guarantee acquiring any gear. Proc items are excluded as they their skills are the player's preference and their stats are all the same.

Starting Tier 1 Core Items (Forest Biome)[]

Options Weapon Helmet Armor Tool Fishing Pole
Crafted Wood sword (crafted)

Wood sword

Wood Bandana

Wood bandana

Wood armor

Wood armor

Iron Tool

Tool Iron

Iron Rod

FishingRod Iron

Looted None Bare Hands Bare Hands

Starting Tier 1 Accessories (Forest Biome)
Options 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crafted Wood Earring

T1 WoodEarring

Wood Ring

T1 WoodRing

Wood Shield

T1 WoodShield

Tattered Bracelet

T1 TatteredBracelet

Tattered Cloak

T1 TatteredCloak

Tattered Gloves

T1 TatteredGloves

Tattered BootsT1 TatteredBoots None
Looted Forest GlovesChestItem ForestGloves

Forest Chest

Traveler Boots ChestItem Traveler Boots

Forest Chest


Craft as many as much wood equipment as you can. Try to aim for Legendary or Corrupted quality. While not very important at the early stages, this can give you nice boost in stats that will invalidate the tier 2 equipment. Wood is in abundant supply, do don't be afraid of crafting 30 or 40 individual pieces of equipment until you get the one with the right quality. It's not worth refining the armor to make higher quality, but you can disenchant the useless pieces for crystals. You can easily advance this tier by wearing the normal quality.

Starting Tier 2 Core Items (Forest, Cave)[]

Options Weapon Helmet Armor Tool Fishing Pole
Looted None You can skip this armor if you

have high quality Wood set.

Bare Hands Bare Hands

Starting Tier 1 Accessories (Wood and Naked)
Options 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Crafted Wood Earring

T1 WoodEarring

Wood Ring

T1 WoodRing

Wood Shield

T1 WoodShield

Tattered Bracelet

T1 TatteredBracelet

Tattered Cloak

T1 TatteredCloak

Tattered Gloves

T1 TatteredGloves

Tattered BootsT1 TatteredBoots None
Looted Forest GlovesChestItem ForestGloves

Forest Chest

Traveler Boots ChestItem Traveler Boots

Forest Chest


Equipment/Tiers Wood Tier

Tier 1

Silver Tier

Tier 2

Gold Tier

Tier 3

Foraged Tier

Tier 4

Hoparite Tier

Tier 5

Cryo Tier

Tier 6

Deep Tier

Tier 7

Infernal Tier

Tier 8

Ghost Tier

Tier 9

Awakening Tier

Tier 10

Mythic Tier




Forest Forest, Snow Biome, Caves Desert, Pyramid
Jungle Beehive

Mushroom Biome

Ice Biome

Mushroom Biome




Corrupted Biome, Dungeons Mythic Dungeons
Weapons Wood sword (crafted)Wood sword

Craft a legendary version

Orc Axe Orc axe

(Forest and Underground Forest Orc Melee)

(skip unless you get a good quality one.

Gold Axe (crafted) E T3 GoldAxe

Mummy Sword E T3 MummySword

(Desert and Underground Desert

Mummy melee)

Mummy Staff E T3 MummyStaff

(Desert Mummy Mage from faction base)

Tiki Razor E T4 TikiRazor

(Jungle or Underground Jungle

from Tiki Melee)

Bee Hammer (Beehive) ChestItem BeeHammer Any crafted cryo weapon

Arcane Hammer (chest)ChestItem ArcaneHammer (one of the best weapons in the game)

Fish Spear (Oasis Nomah enemies) F T5 FishSpear

Imp Staff E T7 ImpStaff

(slay Imp. Likely

best used for

casting playstyle)

Infernal Bow ChestItem InfernalBow

(Only useful for melee builds)

Imp StaffE T7 ImpStaff

(only useful for casting builds)

Ghost Bow E T9 GhostBow

Dungeon Weapons



Wood armor set

Wood bandana Wood armor

Try to craft a full legendary set or good quality

Iron Armor Set

Iron helmetHeavy iron armorskippable

Gold Armor Set

E T3 GoldHeavyArmorE T3 GoldHelmet

(enhance to +5 or higher)

Bone Armor Set

E T4 BoneMaskE T4 BoneArmor


Hoparite Armor Set

E T5 BeeHeavyArmorE T5 BeeHelmet

(enhance to at least +5) Skippable if you think

you can survive Ice Biome.

Cryo Armor Set

E T6 CryoHeavyArmorE T6 CryoHelmet

Skip recommended if you made Hoparite

Skip Infernal Armor set

E T8 InfernalHeavyArmorE T8 InfernalHelmet (Enhance to +10 or more)

Ghost Set

E T9 GhostHeavyArmorE T9 GhostHelmet



Iron Tool

Tool Iron

(better than bare hands)

Gold Tool

Tool Gold

(don't enhance)

Ectoplasm Tool

Tool Ectoplasm

(don't enhance)

Bone Tool

Tool Bone

Recommend to skip. Save bones for other recipes.

Brutal Tool

Tool Brutal


Royal Tool

Tool Royal

(enhance if you want)

Make 2 (the 2nd one, used for the fishing rod)

Prismatic Tool Tool Prismatic

(enhance to as much as you want)

Mythic Halloween Tool

Tool Halloween

Rare: Best in the game if at a high mythic level)

Fishing Rod


(not worth



Iron Rod FishingRod Iron

Better than bare hands, but unnecessary

Gold Rod

FishingRod Gold

Ectoplasm Rod

FishingRod Ectoplasm

Bone Fishing Rod

FishingRod Bone


Halloween Fishing Pole

Fishing Rod Halloween

Prismatic Fishing Rod FishingRod Prismatic

(enhance to as much as you want)

Mythic Halloween Fishing Pole

Fishing Rod Halloween

Rare: Best in the game if at a high mythic level)

Accessories 1 Wood EarringT1 WoodEarring


Bat Cloak T2 BatCloak



Stone Belt ChestItem StoneBelt


Accessories 2 Wood Ring T1 WoodRing


Tooth NecklaceT2 NecklaceTooth

(easy craft)

Accessories 3 Wood Shield T1 WoodShield


Snow Turtle ShieldT2 SnowTurtleShield

(easy craft. Skippable)

Good defense

Accessories 4 Forest GlovesChestItem ForestGloves


Forest Chest)

Wild Shield T2 WildShield

(easy craft, skippable)

Good defense

Accessories 5 Traveler Boots ChestItem Traveler Boots


Forest Chest)


Flying BootsT2 FlyingBoots

(crafting upgrade to

Traveler boots.


Accessories 6 Tattered BraceletT1 TatteredBracelet


Wolf Gloves T2 WolfGloves


skippable, but good item)

Accessories 7 Tattered CloakT1 TatteredCloak


Frost RingChestItem FrostRing

(Underground Snow Chest)

Accessories 8 Tattered GlovesT1 TatteredGloves


Nomad ScarfChestItem NomadsScarf

(Underground Snow Chest)

Frequently Asked Questions[]

Q: "I can't connect with my friends online! Help?!"

A: There are various things that can be causing this problem. First and foremost make sure that you have port 7777 open, as that is the port the game runs on. Certain countries have problems building a connection via Steam's matchmaking service, so try both the Steam connection and the Direct IP connection. If neither of those work, try third party connection software such as Hamachi. That solves most of the issues related to connecting to friends.

Q: "How many friends can I play with at once?"

A: There are two answers to this. The technical answer is that the game can support up to 20 players on a single server, however if you want a game and not a slide-show full of rubber bands, it is suggested you keep your player count to 5 or less.

Q: "I think something broke. How do I report it?"

A: The best way to report issues is to join the Discord server linked in the main Discussions page. The staff are very active there and very responsive to feedback and bug reports. Bug reports are the main way bugs get fixed, so reporting bugs is definitely encouraged!

Obsolete Content[]
