Mists of Noyah Wiki

Consumables are one-time use items that provide the user a number of different passive and active effect. These effects range from Health recovery, temporary statistical increases (buffs), and warping. Consumables can be bought, found, or crafted by the player.

Using Consumables[]

All consumables can be used directly from the inventory by pressing the "Use" function on a gamepad or Right Clicking the item. You can also place the consumable in a shortcut and use the item outside of the inventory window. Some consumables can be used without cooldown such as Buckets, while others such as Potions and Food have a cooldown buff applied to the character that must expire before using another consumable of its type.


Potions can be made at the Alchemy Table. However, Minor HP Potion and Minor MP Potion can be bought at the Alchemist NPC. Potions are consumable items that are used to regenerate your Health Points Icon hp2 and Mana Points Icon mana2 and buff stats of your character.


Recovery potions recover Health Points Icon hp2 and Mana Points Icon mana2

Name Icon Effect Reagents
Minor HP Potion Minor hp potion Restore 250 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Water BottleWater bottle-export

1 Day Flower Day flower-export

HP Potion Hp potion Restore 700 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Day Flower Day flower-export

1 Herb Herb-export

Greater HP Potion Greater hp potion Restore 1200 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Mushroom Mushroom-export

1 Gold Ore Gold ore-export

1 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

Minor MP Potion Minor mp potion Restore 250 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Moon Flower Moon flower-export

MP Potion Mp potion Restore 700 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Moon Flower Moon flower-export

1 Herb Herb-export

Greater MP Potion Greater mp potion Restore 1200 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Moon Flower Moon flower-export

1 Glow Dust Glow dust-export

1 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export


Buff Potions increase stats moderately for 10 minutes.

Name Icon Effect Reagents
Vitality Potion Vitality potion Increases 200 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Bee Flower Bee flower-export

Moon Potion Moon potion Increases 200 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Moon Flower Moon flower-export

Attack Potion Attack potion Increases 50 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Flame Plant Flame plant

Magic Potion Magic potion Increases 50 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Sea OrbSea orb

Armor Potion Armor potion Increases 50 Physical Defense Icon armor2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Cactus Cactus

Magic Armor Potion Magic armor potion Increases 50 Magical Defense Icon magicArmor2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Iceblossom Iceblossom

Speed Potion Speed potion Increases 25 Attack Speed Icon attackSpeed2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

3 Day Flower Day flower-export

Critical Potion Critical potion Increases 50 Critical Hit Icon critical2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

3 Spores Spores

2 Sting Sting

Potion of Amnesia Resets the players Perk points Essence of Corruption

50 Night Shard

Vial of Magic

1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

Potion of Refreshment Reset the player's skill points. 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export


Flask Potions greatly increase stats for 10 minutes.

Name Icon Effect Reagents
Vitality Flask Vitality flask Increases 500 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

8 Bee Flower Bee flower-export

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Bee Fish Bee fish

Moon Flask Moon flask Increases 500 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

1 Moon Flower Moon flower-export

1 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Cloudfish Cloudfish

Attack Flask Attack flask Increases 100 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

3 Flame Plant Flame plant

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Obsidian Trout Obsidian trout

Magic Flask Magic flask Increases 100 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Sea Orb Sea orb

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Jellyfish Jellyfish

Magic Armor Flask Magic armor flask Increases 100 Magical Defense Icon magicArmor2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

2 Iceblossom Iceblossom

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Tundra Carp Tunda carp

Speed Flask Speed flask Increases 45 Attack Speed Icon attackSpeed2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

3 Day Flower Day flower-export

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

1 Batfish Bat fish

Critical Flask Critical flask Increases 100 Critical Hit Icon critical2 1 Water Bottle Water bottle-export

5 Spores Spores

5 Sticky Fluid Sticky fluid-export

2 Sting Sting

1 One Eyed Fish One eyed fish

Food and Drinks[]


Food is a special type of recovery consumable that provide an initial Health Points recovery and the Well-Fed BuffWell-feed. Some food (meals) also provide benefits to character Statistics temporarily similar to crafted drinks. Food and meals serve the purpose of keeping the player healthy from minor damage and enhancing stats.


Well-FedWell-feed is a buff gained when the player consumes any food item. The buff provides Health Points Icon hp2 regeneration for its duration at 1% Hp of the total amount of healing the food provides per tick). For example, if a meal heals for 1000 health, it will provide 10 hp per tick with the fed buff.

Raw Food[]

Raw Food is found by gathering from trees or killing enemies. Raw food provides not stat buffs, but is an abundant source of low-cost health sustenance. Raw Food can be used as crafting material to create meals and drinks.

Cooked Food and Meals[]

Cooked Food and Meals provided higher initial healing than that of raw food. Both are only acquired by crafting at the cooking station, however, some meals can be found in the world as well. Exclusive to meals, they provide statistical boosts that typically wear before the well-fed buff expires. Further, meals provide the well-fed buff for longer duration and heal significantly more than both raw and cooked foods.

Name Icon Effect Reagents


Food GrilledMeat Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 1 Raw Meat Food RawMeat

1 WaterTerrain Water


Giant Meat

Food GrilledGiantMeat Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 1 Raw Giant Meat Food RawGiantMeat

1 WaterTerrain Water


and Eggs

Food Bacon&Eggs Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 2 Eggs Food Egg

1 Grilled Meat Food GrilledGiantMeat

1 SpicesSpices

Boiled Eggs Food BoiledEggs Dott healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 2 Eggs Food Egg

1 WaterTerrain Water

Bread Food Bread Increases 400 Health Points Icon hp2 1 FlourFarm Flour

1 MilkFood Milk

1 SpicesSpices

Gingerbread Food Gingerbread Increases 120 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2 1 Bread Food Bread

20 HoneyFood Honey

Grilled Fish Food GrilledFish Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 Water Terrain Water

Raw Trout CraftFish Raw Trout

Ice Cream Ice Cream Increases 400 Mana Points Icon mana2 5 IceIce

1 Glass Jar Glass Jar

2 Apples Food Apple

2 Bananas Food Banana

1 MilkFood Milk

Sushi Food Sushi Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

8 Raw Trout CraftFish Raw Trout

Corn Soup Meal CornSoup Increases 40 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

1 Water Terrain Water

2 Corn Farm Corn

Fruit Salad Meal FruitSalad Increases 60 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

3 Apples Food Apple

3 Bananas Food Banana

3 WatermelonsFood Watermelon

Honey Beef Meal HoneyBeef Increases 200 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

10 Honey Food Honey

1 Spices Spices

3 Grilled Giant Meat Food GrilledGiantMeat



Meal JellyfishSalad Increases 100 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 JellyfishJellyfish

2 SpicesSpices

20 WaterTerrain Water

Meat Soup Meal MeatSoup Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

5 Water Terrain Water

4 Grilled Meat Food GrilledGiantMeat

1 Spices Spices

Meat Stew Meal MeatStew Increases 600 Health Points Icon hp2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

10 Grilled Giant Meat Food GrilledGiantMeat

2 Tails Craft Tails

12 Raw Trout CraftFish Raw Trout

30 WaterTerrain Water



Meal MushroomSoup Gradually healing Health Icon hp2 and Mana Icon mana2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

3 Mushrooms Mushroom-export

1 WaterTerrain Water

Roast Beef Meal RoastBeef Increases 50 Physical Defense Icon armor2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

3 Grilled Giant Meat Food GrilledGiantMeat

2 Spices Spices

8 WaterTerrain Water

Salt Crusted


Meal SaltCrustedFish Increases 50 Magical Defense Icon magicArmor2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

2 Spices Spices

8 Raw Trout CraftFish Raw Trout

7 WaterTerrain Water


Drinks, like Food, are special type recovery consumables that provide an initial Mana Points Icon mana2 recovery and most also provide benefits to character Statistics. Similar to well fed, drinks provide a mana regeneration of 1% of what the drink recovers in mana. Drinks that provide a buff have a cooldown the duration of the drink (4 mins).

Name Icon Effect Reagents
Mlik Food Milk Fill your Mana Icon mana2 quickly Drops from BullsBull 0
Cold Milk Food ColdMilk Increases 200 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

10 IceIce

1 MilkFood Milk

Beer Food Beer Increases 60 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2 1 Water BottleWater bottle-export

1 Malt Extract Food Malt Extract

1 Hops Farm Hops

Coconut Water Food CoconutWater Fill your Mana Icon mana2 quickly 1 Glass Jar Glass Jar

1 Coconut Food Coconut

Coffee Food Coffee Increases 20 Attack Speed Icon attackSpeed2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

1 Water Terrain Water

1 Coffee Powder Farm Coffee Powder

Coffee with Milk Food Coffee&Milk Increases 600 Mana Points Icon mana2 1 Coffee Food Coffee

1 Milk Food Milk

Tea Food Tea Increases 40 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

10 Water Terrain Water

2 HerbsHerb-export

Honey Tea Food HoneyTea Increases 20 Cooldown Rate Icon cdr2 1 Clay Pot Craft ClayPot

5 Honey Food Honey

2 Herbs Herb-export

Wine Food Wine Increases 100 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Glass Jar Glass Jar

6 Grape Extract Food GrapeExtract

Royal Wine Food RoyalWine Increases 300 Spell Power Icon spellpower2 1 Wine Food Wine

1 Chalice Craft Chalice

Watermelon Juice Food WatermelonJuice Fill your Mana Icon mana2 quickly 1 Glass Jar Glass Jar

1 WatermelonsFood Watermelon

Waterskin Food Waterskin Fill your Mana Icon mana2 quickly 1 Leather Craft Leather

1 Water Terrain Water

1 Thread Craft Thread


Power Ups and Scrolls[]

Power Ups are temporary boosts to Statistics that last until your character respawns. They are found throughout Noyah, typically requiring wall jumping to collect.

Name Icon Effect
Power Up Health Hp powerup Increases 5 Health Points Icon hp2
Power Up Mana Mana upgrade Increases 5 Mana Points Icon mana2
Power Up Physical Attack Attack powerup Increases 5 Physical Attack Icon attackDamage2
Power Up Spell Power Spell power powerup Increases 5 Spell Power Icon spellpower2
Power Up Armor Armor upgrade Increases 5 Physical Defense Icon armor2
Power Up Magical Armor Magic armor powerup Increases 5 Magical Defense Icon magicArmor2

Scrolls provide the highest temporary boost to specific stats in the game. Scroll effects last for 4 minutes, stack with existing buffs, and multiple different scrolls can be used at a time. Scrolls are currently only found in the Corrupted Biome from chests or from killing powerful corrupted enemies.

Name Icon Effect
Scroll of HP Scroll HP
Scroll of Mana Scroll Mana
Scroll of

Attack Power

Scroll Attack Power
Scroll of

Spell Power

Scroll Spell Power
Scroll of

Physical Armor

Scroll Physical Armor
Scroll of

Magic Armor

Scroll Magic Armor
Scroll of

Attack Speed

Scroll Attack Speed
Scroll of

Cooldown Rate

Scroll CDR Cooldown Rate
Scroll of

Critical Rate

Scroll Critical Rate
Scroll of

Gathering Power

Scroll Gathering Power
Scroll of

Fishing Power

Scroll Fishing Power

Unimplemented/Incomplete Consumables[]

These are useable items that serve various purposes, some of which are upcoming features.

Name Icon Function Reagents
Bucket Craft Bucket Gather Terrain Resources

(Sand, Clay, Snow, Water, Lava)

2 Iron Bars Mineral Bar Iron

2 WoodWood

Leaf Tobacco Craft Leaf Tobacco Reduces 30% damage taken from traps

(Spikes, Saw Blades, Guillotines)

1 VineCraft Vines

1 HerbHerb-export

1 ThreadCraft Thread

Ritual of Doom Ritual Of Doom *Coming Soon* 1 Fish Crystal Crystal Fish

1 Mummy Crystal Crystal Mummy

1 Orc Crystal Crystal Orc

1 Tiki Crystal Crystal Tiki

1 Troll Crystal Crystal Troll

Phoenix Feather Revives townsfolk (no longer invisible) 15 Feather

25 Charcoal